Garden loot.

Posted: August 26, 2012 in gardening

The veggies were so pretty, I had to take a picture.  I got Detroit red beets, and gold beets, and heirloom yellow tomatoes, and that delicious mariachi sweet red pepper (which Chase actually tasted and liked), and Anaheims.  And six cups of zucchini.

I’ve got some acorn squashes goin, potatoes I haven’t pulled out yet, couple tiny pumpkins, more herbs than I know what to do with.

I’ve learned something about growing basil….I grew Genovese and Thai varieties. The Genovese had awesome juicy aromatic leaves first, but it went to see first, too.  The fragrance from the two varieties is a little different, but they both have made great pesto batches for me.  I am keeping the Genovese in seed, and gathering some as the seeds dry.  I think, though, that I’m most impressed with the Thai basil.  It was a slower start, but it hasn’t gone to seed yet and it’s producing quite a lot for me.  Cutting the shoots to make stuff with it just keeps it from getting too bushy.  The plant is a little woodier than the Genovese.  If I pluck too much for the recipe, I can stick the stalk in a glass of water for a week, and it’s still good for use later.  I’ve done pesto batches with pine nuts and walnuts and plan to try hazlenuts, too.

I’ve got mint coming out of my ears.  And rosemary.  And lemon balm.

The one titan that survived the 100 degree days bloomed this week.  It’s at least ten feet tall if it’s an inch.  It’s a big fat smile in my garden.

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